The internet is by far the most important marketing medium of today, I kid you not. Having a functional restaurant website and online marketing can truly be the key to success. This article highlights some of the ways the internet can be used to increase exposure and revenue while simultaneously decreasing marketing costs over time.
Please find my suggestions for restaurant marketing below:
1) Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO for restaurants is one of the most cost-effective and functional marketing mediums. SEO focuses on strategically placing a website at the top of search engines in an organic or “natural” fashion. This means the website appears in the search results, not the paid ads (e.g. Google AdWords). Since most search engine users visit websites on the first page of search engine results, placing a website in positions 1-10 will greatly increase traffic and, ultimately, revenue.
2) Creative, Catchy, Functional Website Design
Designing and implementing a functional website, one that will attract and retain customers, is quite important. Menus, photo galleries, contact info, and the other good stuff should be easily accessible. Remember, your website is what spearheads your marketing efforts.
3) Local Search Engine Marketing
Utilizing local search engine marketing is another key aspect of restaurant marketing. Listing a restaurant on Google Maps, Bing Maps and other local directories will help attract local visitors; ones that will potentially become regular patrons.
4) Social Networking & Social Marketing
Social websites are an excellent way to attract business. Sites like Myspace and Facebook are good for building a following, and other sites like meetups.com are perfect for getting people in the door. In a sense, having a “meetup group” attend your restaurant is like holding a group buy on products, or selling a large quantity of products at one time. Plus, such meets often result in viral videos, photos, blog posts, etc.
Good luck with your marketing and may the force be with you.
Aaron Schoenberger
The Brainchild Group is a Los Angeles Marketing Firm that specializes in Restaurant Marketing + Food Marketing via internet marketing channels including SEO, viral videos, social networking, social bookmarking and a host of other very effective mediums.
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