In the past few years the magic of artificial intelligence has taken off though too often people believe in the smoke and mirrors (like a Houdini effect) and by using magic (AI today) everything will be solved with a wand, but that’s not the case.
Calabasas Marketing/Consulting Firm: Delivering Solutions to Complex Problems
For 20 years we have guided the biggest companies in the world and delivered solutions to some of the most complex problems for a wide variety of companies ranging from hedge funds to Fortune 500s, and it’s interesting how Calabasas is now a hub that many of us call home. We started in Beverly Hills, though LA has shifted to the valley in recent times and it’s exciting to see the change take place.
Los Angeles Internet Marketing Consultants: How to Choose the Best Agency/Firm?
We are living in a world where it appears everyone is an internet marketing expert today though what are the true signs of expertise and where do the biggest companies go for help when they have billions of dollars on the line? We’ll dig into that in this blog post.
Buying Duracell vs Energizer Batteries: What’s the Best and Powers the World Today?
We are living in a world of devices that are mainly powered by batteries and going back to the old school marketing days it’s interesting to see how both Duracell and Energizer were the backbone/power behind everything and eventually came out on top in the end. Though what makes them special and what battery brand do most people choose now?
Can You Post Too Much on Social Media? The Simple Answer: Yes
So it happened again and we experienced another company (consulting client) take the hyperactive approach to social media marketing with the mindset of the more we post the better results we’ll see, which is totally flawed from the beginning and the results are replicable in the future: Failing. However, no problems, only solutions and we’re making changes.
How to Market a Bank on Social Media? Our Experience Guiding Financial Institutions
The days of walking into banks and being approached by someone in a suit to setup an IRA, create a new savings account and all of the other old school tactics are out the door, and it’s interesting to see how banks and other financial institutions have been adopting social media with open arms over the past few years while it was ignored and almost feared before.
Social Media Consultants vs Social Media Managers: What is the Real Difference?
The time has finally come and we had to drop a post around this topic which has sparked both questions and controversies over many years for a variety of reasons, though we’re here to put everything to rest once and for all.
Does a Social Media Expert Need to Know AI/Technology? Absolutely!
With social media being powered by AI today this topic is a no-brainer however many social media folks still try to hang onto the early days while not adapting to what’s happening now, and unfortunately they get left in the dust along with the companies they’re either working for or providing consulting to.
Beverly Hills Social Media & PR Agencies: How to Choose?
The social media world has been changing drastically over time and as being OGs in Beverly Hills before the hype took off we thought it would be helpful to drop this post with tips on choosing the best social media and PR agencies versus outsiders trying to break into the market.
3 Common Restaurant Social Media Marketing Fails/Mistakes + Fixing Them
Aside from all of the projects we’ve guided in the financial space, the legal world and all sorts of other initiatives, the food industry holds a special place in our hearts and because of that combined with our experience guiding restaurants we see a variety of common social media mistakes occurring on a regular basis, and that pushes us to fix them by finding/implementing solutions.
Is it Worth Hiring a Social Media Consultant? Our Experience After Guiding Fortune 500s, Startups
After nearly 20 years in the social media world since the early days you can imagine how we get flooded with questions from clients and new companies reaching out for solutions around ways to improve their social media presence/ROI, and is hiring an outside social media professional/consultant really going to push the needle?