When it comes to marketing, I’m one critical person, and sometimes too critical. This can be bad, though sometimes good.
Lately, I have been noticing and critiquing Ally Bank’s television commercials and have to admit — I love them! This is very rare for me to say, but I am being absolutely honest. I think their marketing campaign ideally positions the bank in a time when banks are frowned upon and not trusted. The commercials establish trust and a sense of transparency that I have not seen before. In business, transparency is extremely important.
Ally Bank markets their company as being very transparent, and having no hidden fees/limitations. I love their commercial showing a girl on a bicycle, which is positioned inside of a red rectangle. She’s allowed to sit on a bicycle, with helmet and all, but cannot ride outside of the red rectangle, which is just larger than the bike. The stereotypical bank representative slyly makes a remark and chuckles at her, then she gives a classic “what the heck?!” face. Love it!
Has anyone had first-hand experience with Ally Bank? Share your thoughts/experiences!
Please find a few of Ally Bank’s TV commercials below:
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