You’ve landed on this article and I assume you’re interested in internet marketing, namely search engine optimization (SEO). Congratulations! Hopefully this topic will change your life as it has for me. SEO and internet marketing in general have been my passion for over 10 years and, as the world becomes more e-centric, the internet is becoming more important by the day. For this reason, now is the time to become familiar with SEO, even if it’s on a very basic level.
Learning the basics of SEO is truly imperative. SEO applies to all forms of internet marketing whether it be blogs, viral videos or website design. Understanding the basics of SEO will ensure a solid foundation is established and knowledge/research can be built from that point forward. Like anything else one learns, it takes time. Lots and lots of time.
The 3 most important tips for SEO beginners are:
1) Optimize Website Meta Information
Be sure to optimize meta information on every page of your website to ensure it’s relevant and targeted. Every page (e.g. product page, blog post, etc.) has a meta title, meta descriptions and meta keywords. The meta information is what the search engines “crawl” and display in their results, also known as search engine result pages (SERPS).
2) Provide Relevant Content
Believe it or not, SEO itself is almost useless without relevant, interesting, targeted, unique content. If you’re not a good writer, now is the time to break out your old, dusty English books and do a little refresh. Or, what many companies do is simply hire an individual or company to create keyword-rich, targeted content. Keep in mind content for each page should match the meta title, meta description and meta keywords.
3) Research
Researching keyword placement, the amount of searches keywords receive per month, competitor websites, and other factors is very important. Failing to research key information will leave you in the dark — not a good place to be.
I hope the above information has been helpful. Be sure to check back often for new articles on internet marketing, search engine optimization, web design, photography and a host of other fun topics.
Aaron Schoenberger
The Brainchild Group is a professional internet marketing company located in Los Angeles, CA with a wide variety of clients ranging from Olympic gold medalists to world-renown restaurants to RIAA Platinum recording artists. If you happen to feel like Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is just too overwhelming, feel free to contact us for a consultation. We will be glad to help.