I’m a big fan of cool, funky, unique art and Christopher Marley has recently caught my attention with his mosaic-like insect art. His artwork reminds me of a spruced-up, psychedelic version of what you would see on the wall in a high school science class.
The artwork displays insects in a colorful, royal, prestigious manner and does away with the creepy crawly thoughts we all seem to adhere to. Not only does Christopher Marley’s insect art look cool, it has meaning. Christopher Marley stated “I want to kind of juxtapose order and cleanliness and composition with the radical diversity of insects and their colors and their shapes and their patterns. The colors are unenhanced. We don’t mess with the colors at all.”
Christopher Marley said that his phobia for bugs was stifling when he began to travel at the age of 19. After two years in Africa, which is full of all sorts of creepy crawlers, Marley spent time in Asia with little to no improvement. Then, “one fateful night in a Bangkok artisan market I stumbled upon a group of handicapped people selling what appeared to be small marsupials crammed into cheap frames. Upon closer examination I realized they were bugs! I was overcome with horror, nausea, and — what’s this? A surging fascination.” This is where it all began.
The artistic genius of Christopher Marley is captured in his new book titled “Pheromone – The Insect Art of Christopher Marley” which is an excellent read. Be sure to check it out!
Aaron Schoenberger
The Brainchild Group
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