Google’s 2010 Super Bowl commercial paints a font-astic picture of life via search queries, and was truly one of my favorites. The ad, coined “Parisian Love,” takes the viewer on a text-based tour of France including terminology, locations, etc. One awesome piece of work.
Search queries in the television commercial include the following:
- study abroad paris france
- cafes near the louve (corrected to louvre)
- translate tu es tres mignon
- impress a french girl
- chocolate shops paris france
- what are truffles
- who is truffaut
- long distance relationship advice
- jobs in paris
- AA120
- churches in paris
- how to assemble a crib
After reading the above search queries, in that order, do you know what the commercial is about? If not, I’ll give you a few hints:
- Foreigner looking to travel to France
- Wants to impress French girl
- Finds out how
- Finds girl
- Decides against long-distance relationship
- Moves to France after taking flight AA120
- Locates church for marriage
- After marriage, has kid and needs to assemble crib.
Pretty cool commercial I say. Kudos Google!
Aaron Schoenberger
The Brainchild Group