Tonight, as I relax on my couch with Lilly (my MacBook Pro), wild marketing thoughts are racing through my head. I have decided to stop working on projects for clients and want to make a few suggestions to you new bloggers out there. I know gaining traffic and exposure is tough, but persistence and hard work will pay off in the long run. Trust me.
Archives for April 2010
‘Google Me’ Documentary Shows the Power of SEO
Last night I was reading a very interesting review on the new movie ‘Google Me’ which is an ingenious documentary by Jim Killeen that features him and seven other guys named Jim Killeen. It’s a journey that illustrates the importance of search engines and social networking in this day and age.
CPA Marketing Tips – Best Ways to Market Accounting Firms
Marketing an accounting firm can be a very difficult task that often requires a large marketing budget to achieve noticeable results. However, as marketing efforts shift to online mediums, CPA firms are seeing a decrease in marketing expenditures and a boost in revenue. The smart ones that is.
Is Your Business Looking for a Face Transplant?
I recently read an article about a face transplant that took place in Spain, which for me, like everything else, relates to marketing in one way or another. While reading the article I thought to myself: What about businesses that need a face transplant? A revision of their branding and a new appearance that fits their goals as a company.
The Big Green Egg – Barbeques Galore
I’m a big foodie and avid cook as many of you blog followers know, and of all foods I have to say BBQ is my absolute favorite. There’s just something relaxing and surreal about enjoying the outdoors while meat and vegetables slowly cook over a crackling fire. Reminds me of YMCA camp when I was a kid, or the time I stayed at a “dude ranch” in Wyoming.
Wu Tang Clan Name Generator Goes Viral
I have been researching current Google trends and noticed the Wu Tang Clan Name Generator has gone viral. It’s currently holding the #1 position in Google Trends, which is a big feat, and I’m sure it will continue creating a buzz for days to come.