What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. But after experiencing the SkyJump attraction 855 feet above the Las Vegas strip, this is something you will surely want to share with friends and family.
Via a cable, daredevils descend to a platform far below and, while doing so, they experience a surreal view of the classic Las Vegas Strip. What a better way to experience the scenery?
The Guinness World Records has marked the ride as the highest of its kind, which is a big feat, and something that will surely attract thrill-seekers from across the world. Smart marketing move I tell you!
The fact that the official press release included the terminology “SkyJump Las Vegas” leads me to believe that other locations will open across the country/world, but I could be wrong. Sadly, it has happened before.
SkyJump Las Vegas costs $99.99 per person and riders must be 14 years old to jump. For more information, please visit SkyJumpLasVegas.com.
Aaron Schoenberger
The Brainchild Group
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