Today a very interesting thing happened: Someone did a real number on Twitter and millions of Tweets/followers disappeared. There have been rumors as to who is behind the issue, and celebrities have posted jokes about such, though I’m sure we will never know.
According to sources, the exploit originated from a Turkish computer expert who shared details of a security loophole throughout the web, thus causing someone in e-land to take action. Within minutes of being hacked millions of Tweets alerted Twitter’s tech team of the issues. The database was luckily restored and it looks like things are back to normal now. I partially rely on Twitter for business and am glad the system was restored quickly.
Twitter blamed the issues on a “bug” that surfaced while other parts of the site were being secured. I’m glad their team was able to diagnose the issues and fix them in a timely manner. Kudos and ::high five::
Aaron Schoenberger
The Brainchild Group