Is your business running on rocky terrain and you need a little marketing boost to help meet the bills? Have no social media exposure and you feel left out? Well, I’m your friend and I’ll help. Beep beep beep! (had an outburst, sorry).
To take one’s business online and effectively market in the social media world you must have an all terrain vehicle; one that can navigate rocky social terrains and lead you to success. Forget a Garmin or a TomTom — get yo’ self educated on social media or hire a social media consultant to get the job done. Social media marketing is relatively inexpensive compared to traditional forms of marketing and offers much more bang for the buck.
The first steps for businesses looking to market via social media channels are:
1) Create a blog on your site if one doesn’t already exist. (preferrably WordPress)
2) Sign-up for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Gmail (also YouTube), and other social sites.
3) Construct unique, interesting, informative content for your target market.
4) Research target market trends on a regular basis so you’re in-tune with potential customers.
5) Have fun. Social media marketing is about having fun, learning, sharing with others and helping others.
I hope this article has been helpful and may the force be with you.
Aaron Schoenberger
The Brainchild Group
Aaron Schoenberger is founder of The Brainchild Group — an online advertising agency that specializes in strategic social media and SEO consulting for businesses ranging from mom-and-pop shops to Fortune 500 companies. If you’re looking for a top advertising agency with proof in the pudding please feel free to CONTACT US.
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