What’s your DoucheRank? This is the question being asked throughout the internet after PostRank — a site that monitors/gathers real-time social media interactions — launched their super sexy DoucheRank scoring system.
According to PostRank’s website, they “implemented a Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model using Gibbs Sampling techniques for parameter estimation of DoucheRank in combination with a KNN (K-Nearest Neighbors) content clustering analysis and a couple of colliding protons to determine your DoucheRankā¢.”
As one can see, the DoucheRank scoring system showcases quite a robust platform that has the ability to precisely track the douchyness of individuals in this world and others.
Want to know your DoucheRank? If so, CLICK HERE and enjoy.
Aaron Schoenberger
The Brainchild Group
The Brainchild Group is an online advertising agency that specializes in forward-thinking, funky, fresh social media and SEO for a variety of businesses around the globe.