If one were to sit down and peruse the many intricacies of Social Media in a single sitting they would go crazy. It’s a complex marketing medium that offers companies excellent potential for returns, but also free reign to create dreadful mishaps. These mishaps can be harmful to a brand’s image, and also the brand’s bank account. This article will breakdown one element of Social Media: Integrating location into Social Media campaigns to produce increased ROI, which will hopefully make your bank account look more appealing.
The fact is, Social Media marketing can be costly and getting your money’s worth is important. Businesses that primarily cater to locals (e.g. restaurants, doctors, lawyers, etc.) sometimes have a difficult time converting sales from Social Media campaigns because their message, however small or large, isn’t targeted — it’s spread throughout the entire internet like a web. Yes, this is good for some businesses, but not ones that rely on locals.
By actively participating in local events, working with local businesses, engaging in websites dedicated to the respective location, and most importantly including keywords for the location in social messages, success and increased ROI can be obtained.
In conclusion, research your target market and determine how you can form a Reactive Social Media Strategy (RSMS) geared towards customer wants and needs.
Aaron Schoenberger
The Brainchild Group
Aaron Schoenberger is Founder of The Brainchild Group — an online advertising agency that specializes in strategic SEO and Social Media Consulting. He’s known for his work with celebrity clients, top restaurants, professional athletes and Fortune 500 companies.