Marketing a business with Social Media includes a plethora of duties that quickly become overwhelming, and in the bewildering haze there’s one thing that self-propelled business owners and marketing professionals commonly overlook: The simple act of keeping notes.
I, personally, take notes on everything: Trends, Twitter followers that are helpful, regions I would like to target, priority keywords, conversations with clients, and — most importantly — login information to every social website I sign up for. I’m sure there have been times that you jump on a new social site then forget about it a few days later. When it comes to logging back in, you have to perform the “I forgot my password” email dance thus throwing efficiency out the window. This is a problem, especially for Social Media marketers handling campaigns for multiple clients.
When we reached the point of managing 10+ Social Media campaigns (a few years ago) we realized that documenting everything is extremely important. Simultaneously running 10+ Social Media campaigns and even more SEO campaigns presents a great need for note taking. If we hadn’t prepared a strategy before we would be in an inefficient hole today.
In conclusion, even if it’s on a simple notepad or text document, take notes!
Aaron Schoenberger
(310) 876-0874 x1
The Brainchild Group
Aaron Schoenberger is Founder of The Brainchild Group — a top online advertising agency that specializes in strategic Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Social Media marketing. He’s known for his work with celebrity clients, top restaurants, professional athletes and Fortune 500 companies. Feel free to Contact Us for more information.