While browsing through profiles of business associates and longtime friends on social networking sites, I noticed a few odd things that have been occurring lately. For one, when did my good ole’ mate Walter turn into Superman? And, why does my ex-girlfriend look like The Hulk?
The latest fad in the social networking world, namely on Facebook, is to change one’s profile photo to a childhood cartoon character. The goal is to eliminate photos of human faces in support of the fight to stop Violence Against Children.
The trend is rumored to have been created by a Facebook fan page titled “Campaign To End Violence Against Children – Childhood Cartoon Faces,” which currently sports a whopping 25,433 Likes.
Want to join in on the fun? Simply snag a photo from your favorite cartoon and load it as your main profile image. On Twitter I opted for a photo of myself, which has a Photoshop filter applied so as to appear cartoon-ish (see above photo).
Have fun and, most importantly, be social.
Superhero (yah right!) Aaron Schoenberger
Aaron Schoenberger
(310) 876-0874 x1
The Brainchild Group
Aaron Schoenberger is Founder of The Brainchild Group — a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Social Media Marketing company in Los Angeles, California. He’s known for his work with celebrity clients, top restaurants, professional athletes and Fortune 500 companies.