I love being presented with complex, fun questions about marketing — I live for it. Today, a client inquired about Twitter marketing and when the best times to Tweet are, which is an excellent question that deserves a blog post of a response. So, here I am!
According to PostRank.com, “The busiest hour of the day for tweets is 8pm EST, with >1.4 million posted; Wednesday and Thursday are the busiest days of the week.” So, in essence, the best time to Tweet is at 8pm EST on a Wednesday or Thursday, right? Not necessarily.
Think about it this way: You follow 1,000 people and typically receive 100 updates (new Tweets) per minute, and at the busiest times that amount jumps to 300. Each Tweet is, therefore, receiving 2/3 less exposure when compared to regular times due to being bumped off the top of one’s feed sooner. Yes, with more people active on Twitter there’s a high propensity for Tweets to go viral, but that’s if followers actually see them. Catchy my drift?
In conclusion, I feel all target markets/demographics are different and every option should be explored. The goal is to see what’s best for your business and your customers.
Aaron Schoenberger
(310) 876-0874 x1
The Brainchild Group
Aaron Schoenberger is Founder of The Brainchild Group — a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Social Media Marketing company in Los Angeles, California. He’s known for his work with celebrity clients, top restaurants, automotive manufacturers, professional athletes and Fortune 500 companies.