Social media is an ever-evolving landscape that provides a medium to transparently, instantaneously connect with people throughout the world. However, such accessibility can become a liability.
A key reason why businesses flock to social media for marketing purposes is the fact that information spreads quickly. On the flip side, negative mentions on social channels seem to spiral out of control more often than not, which leads me to the topic of this article: the use of social media expert witnesses.
One of the newest legal phenomenons is social media entering the courtroom in the form of expert witnesses. This can be for a case on Internet defamation, quantifying costs associated with repairing a brand’s image after a PR mishap, or a variety of other reasons. Most judges and attorneys simply have no knowledge of social media, rightfully so, and for this reason social media expert witnesses thrive.
When law firms search for an expert witness, it’s imperative to find someone that has extensive experience with both social media and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The two are intimately connected and a social media consultant with no SEO experience will be a liability on the stand. The goal is to eliminate risks and maximize rewards.
Secondly, attorneys must utilize a social media expert witness that has a distinguished reputation and can demonstrate their expertise. A more credible expert witness forms a more solid case.
If you’re an attorney or a company looking for an expert witness, please feel free to contact me directly at (310) 876-0874 x1.
Aaron Schoenberger
The Brainchild Group