Choreographing an effective social marketing campaign consists of three key elements: setting obtainable goals, engaging social network users, and tracking results. Unfortunately, it’s not often that I see realistic goals being set, or any goals at all for that matter.
Businesses must understand that Twitter followers, Facebook likes, and other social engagements are just a facade. As I mentioned in an article titled Social Media Marketing: The Twitter Follower Misconception, followers mean almost nothing, so don’t set goals to increase followers, receive thousands of Facebook likes, etc. Focus on goals that directly reach target markets and increase revenue.
Secondly, given the fast-paced nature of social media, be sure to set goals for tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. Think about the immediate, then the future. All too often I take over social media projects where the goals make absolutely no sense, won’t necessarily lead to conversions, and ultimately (unless rectified) turn into money pits.
Lastly, have fun and good luck! May the marketing force be with you.
Aaron Schoenberger
The Brainchild Group
Aaron Schoenberger is Founder of The Brainchild Group — a forward-thinking Internet marketing agency that specializes in Social Media Marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). He’s known for his work with celebrities, top restaurants, automotive manufacturers, professional athletes, educational institutions, luxury brands and Fortune 500 companies.