Instagram is one of the hottest social networks and various studies have shown how the platform generates far more consumer engagement compared to Facebook, Twitter and other social mediums. And when it comes to using social media to market luxury brands or specific luxury products, Instagram is truly the secret sauce.
At its core, Instagram is visual – photos and videos drive the platform – and that’s why beauty/makeup, cars, fashion, food, travel and other exciting topics are most popular. At the same time, luxury brands in those spaces (and others) have a huge advantage because people gravitate towards their interests, but also their imagination: what they aspire to be, goals they wish to achieve, etc. And Instagram provides a window into that.
However, though the opportunity may seem great, there’s a lot of research and planning that goes on behind the scenes to deliver marketing campaigns for high-end companies that both connect with potential customers as well as inspire others, but at the same time don’t alienate people.
There’s a tricky balance that luxury brands must achieve where the cool factor is what both inspires and drives sales where everyone wins all around, and that’s the pinnacle of success. Think about the ingenious marketing campaigns over the years by BMW, Rolex, and others – you as someone absorbing the message may not be a customer today, but in 10 years you want to be.
The moral of the story: Instagram has the potential to drive huge brand awareness and conversions for luxury brands, but they must play their cards right.