We recently posted about boutique social media agencies and mentioned how having expertise in particular fields, like the food industry, is one example of what makes a marketing company unique, and this post touches specifically on food marketing. Particularly, how do you choose the best social media marketing agency for food brands/restaurants?
First and foremost, put your tinfoil hat and spectacles on then pretend you’re Sherlock Holmes trying to solve a complex case. As a food company, you don’t just want a social media agency that operates like a production line across all verticals but instead one with experience in guiding food companies in the past and a proven track record.
Secondly, there has to be both authenticity and passion behind social media, and that translates to intimately understanding and speaking the language of those you are talking to – and nowadays social media users are smart enough to read through the BS right away.
Lastly, regardless of a social media marketing company’s success, after speaking with them do you jive and feel comfortable they’ll deliver in the end? Trust your instincts.
The moral of the story is that marketing food products/companies takes unique skills, and you need a team on your side that speaks the same language.