Diving into search engine optimization is like looking at a Rubik’s Cube but there’s no definitive answer and the challenge you’re trying to solve keeps evolving over time – often in the moment as new algorithms are tested and potentially rolled out.
So what’s the best way to learn SEO and is it worth signing up for courses at your college, registering for online search engine marketing classes, and all of the other things that are most obvious? The simple answer is no, and we’ll explain why.
In reading this now you have the power to jump on YouTube and watch videos about SEO, create a backlog of questions (simple note on your iPhone) related to SEO then geek out on Google running searches when you can’t sleep at night. Everything you need to know to become an SEO expert is right in front of you, but you have to take the initiative.
Taking things one step further, after deciding to go down that path, you must look at everything you’re doing as a science experiment – the classic scientific method we learned in school that still holds true today. Create a hypothesis, implement, gauge the results then plan the next steps. You must always be learning.
Looking at questions we’ve gotten over the years, below are some of the most common:
Can SEO Be Self-Taught?
Those who truly understand how Google’s algorithms work many times didn’t get there by taking classes – they learned through experience. SEO in the early days was all about running tests, figuring out what works and doesn’t work, and that all comes down to being analytical.
You as an individual see what’s happening today with Google’s algorithms/ranking regardless of what you learned years ago in school; and must capitalize on that. And in a nutshell, many times SEO is self-taught.
Is SEO Easy to Learn?
Imagine the show around people collecting coupons to try and get the best deals (and they think they’re gaming stores) then think about how smart Google is. There’s no easy path to winning when it comes to SEO.
How Much Does an SEO Course Cost?
Similar to what we covered above, the best SEO course is you investing your time in research to truly explore and understand SEO. That may come with additional costs – like ordering a pizza late night while researching algorithm changes – but it’s worth it in the end.
Where Can I Study SEO Online?
You can begin your SEO studies online by going on a journey that looks inside yourself, what you’re good at or have knowledge in, then finding ways to integrate those interests in SEO. For example, if you’re a foodie you can launch a blog as a test platform then write articles on food and gauge the ranking in Google, optimization, changes over time, etc.
The best way to study/learn SEO is to actually do it. Put your feet in the water.