Social media marketing has been steadily growing since the mid-2000s and nowadays a big portion of marketing budgets for a variety of companies/industries are devoted to internet marketing, especially social media. Though when it comes to the legal industry, which has been historically slow to adapt, social media marketing is finally becoming something that law firms see value in and want to be a part of.
But how do you choose the best social media marketing company or consultant for your law firm? What are the things to look for? And ultimately what should you expect in the end?
First and foremost, it’s important for you to brainstorm and outline your goals ranging from simply using social media marketing to boost brand awareness or on the flip side reaching social media users that are potentially class members in a major class action case. Identify the goals first and then search for solutions.
Secondly, not all social media marketing companies are created equal (as with most things in life), and it’s important to find a firm that not only has a successful track record but also deep experience in the legal space. Creating a marketing campaign for a restaurant that went viral or even a global restaurant chain is very different from having deep knowledge in the legal world.
Looking at what you should expect in the end, that really comes down to the goals you set out to achieve in the beginning. Social media marketing for brand awareness purposes could’ve led to a feature in major news outlets or thousands of class members for a multi-billion dollar case – it all depends.
Over the years we have guided a variety of attorneys on social media strategies from Am Law 100 firms to local, boutique firms that are laser-focused on specific areas of law (personal injury, class action cases, etc.). And our Founder, Aaron Schoenberger, has served as a social media expert witness in a variety of highly publicized cases and is cited as a social media expert in various publications: BBC, NPR, The Guardian, college textbooks, etc. along with securing a utility patent on the use of artificial intelligence (deep learning) for social media analytics.
If you are interested in exploring social media whether it’s for marketing or to find actionable social media insights for pending cases, we’re here to help. Let’s connect and brainstorm.