Looking at the ways social media evolved over time it’s interesting how what was first a way to connect and be social transformed into a platform that’s almost like a drug where engagement (comments, likes, etc.) release dopamine in our brains and that pushes us to post more to get more satisfaction. But that mentality is flawed and leads to a lot of issues for businesses.
Some of the best food in the world takes many hours to prep/cook – ranging from kimchi that’s buried in clay pots to ferment for months to old school BBQ where briskets and pork are smoked for 12+ hours to achieve perfection – and the point is that sometimes going with the flow leads to success instead of trying to force it. You can’t control time.
Nowadays everyone is shooting to be a social media influencer/success but you gotta step back, look at the big picture, and how to get there. Shooting off tons of posts and hoping something hits isn’t the best bet while creating good content that tickles your target audience and promotes engagement will get you there.
The moral of the story: Stop posting too much and focus more on generating high-quality content then letting it marinate/simmer. The best results come over time.