For nearly 20 years we have taken an analytical approach to social media marketing and more importantly seeing the big picture which then trickles down to all other facets of a business, though what’s the magic behind the scenes today and what makes certain companies very successful?
Similar to Houdini and others that perfected the art of deception and illusions, those magic tricks aren’t going to work in the end and when it comes to marketing on social media today that’s the opposite of what you’re trying to accomplish/convey now. And being a good person/company goes a long way.
Two key things companies must implement if they want to gain traction on social media:
First off, you cannot treat social media users as worker bees where you create a post then cross your fingers hoping they’ll magically find it then have some urge to promote you (the if I build it they will come theory). And when looking at a company where people know you’re profiting on anything they do for you the response rates and subsequent results go down the drain.
Secondly, knowing the above, that ties back to using social media for the purpose it was created (to actually be social) and each day do our best to build relationships that will pay off in the future.
You don’t need to be Houdini to do magical marketing, you just have to be an emotionally intelligent, tech-savvy person/company in the world today. And if you have questions we’re here to help.