For nearly 20 years we have guided companies around the world on everything from marketing strategies to solving complex problems, and one of the issues we sometimes come across is old school legacy companies that have been slow to adapt and need a path to transform their mindset/approach.
Business News
What Makes a Good Press Release? 3 Tips
Over the years our public relations firm has written over a thousand press releases for companies ranging from startups to Fortune 500s, and when looking at the first ones we created up until the most recent it’s clear to see how we’ve improved over time – practice makes perfect. And for those who are interested in press release writing this post touches on 3 key things you should focus on.
Forbes Sells Majority Stake to Accelerate Growth
In a move that not even my telephone psychic could have predicted, Forbes has decided to sell a majority stake in Forbes Media to a group of international investors with the goal of accelerating growth and becoming a global leader.
California Adds 24,000 Jobs in June, Economy Booming
The sun is finally shining on California again and we can safely say the recession is behind us. In June, that state’s unemployment rate dipped to 7.4 percent and all of the jobs lost during the recession have been restored.
Entrepreneurial Hardships: How Rejection Can Breed Success
There comes a time during our wild entrepreneurial adventures when we hit roadblocks and get rejected in one way or another, but you must not view rejection as a negative. Being rejected is what made me successful.
Start-Up NY Creates Tax-Free Zones to Attract Businesses, Bolster Economy
Governor Andrew Cuomo’s initiative to transform State University of New York (SUNY) campuses and other university communities across the state into tax-free communities for new and expanding businesses is an ingenious, forward-thinking move that will prove to be an enormous success.