We are living in interesting times today especially when it comes to the legal space, and in recent years we’ve both seen and experienced a big influx in the need for social media expert witnesses in criminal cases ranging from gathering information and providing insights during the early stages to testifying at trial. And this is only going to continue.
What’s most interesting is how looking at case law over the past 10 years spanning criminal and civil cases our above insights hold true but also make total sense: The world is evolving at a rapid pace and not only does social media play a huge role in that but also AI now.
Circling back to the topic of this post, if your law firm is trying to tackle the social media intricacies of a case and need help that’s okay, though you have to know what to look for along the way.
First and foremost, credibility is worth its weight in gold and the best social media expert witnesses will be able to show previous results. And as an attorney/firm that’s obligated to do the best for your client you want that validation upfront before making a decision that can literally make or break a case.
Secondly, particularly when it comes to criminal cases where peoples’ lives are literally on the line, understanding what really transpired and using social media data/insights to uncover that can be (and has been) a game changer.
Lastly, you have to channel your inner ET, put the tinfoil hat on and think about what’s next. Be a few steps ahead of everyone, and that’s where social media, SEO and other data along with expert witness testimony play a key role.
We are based in Los Angeles though our team is spread throughout the country/world (Miami, Silicon Valley, NYC, etc.) and are always here to help.
Hit a speed bump in a case and need guidance? Shoot us a message and let’s explore.